Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Angel Wing Tattoos Designs

Getting an angel wing tattoo inked on your body can be quite tricky. This is a twofold process which requires extra precaution compared to other tattoo designs.

The first tricky bit is finding the angel wing design right for the size you want it in. Mind you, all angel wings tattoos designs are not the same. Some are designed to look good in smaller sizes, while other are meant to cover almost half of your body. Care must be taken to differentiate between these two. An angel wing tattoo, which looks great in a small size mock up in a book, may end up looking banal and boring when stretched to cover your entire back, or vice versa. So make sure that whichever design gallery you are referring to (be it free, paid, online or a book at your local tattoo parlor) gives you optimal size charts of each tattoo design.

The second part of the problem arises when you have finalized a design in a book or some random online gallery, but later realize that the design was just meant to be on paper and not on your skin. If your tattoo-artist uses those pictures to stencil the angel wings tattoo on your body, you may end up with a tattoo that just doesn't quite look right. So what's the solution to this problem? Either have an exceptionally good tattoo artist redraw the design on paper, or find high quality pictures online for your perfect angel wings tattoos designs.

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